ROCHESTER DEMOCKAT AND OHROXICLE. TUESDAY. APRIL 12. 1949 27i ANNOUNCEMENTS Droifl rral( Sports News aft I rU3 SKID I Tkouaanda now cbrw steak, laugh, tals) snipoart if they have false teeth I Thy tiee tTAZI, amazing, new crmmrrt a handy tube. 8TAZB aeala edge TIGHT I Helps keep out food particles.
Oct 35 8TAZE. Money-back guarantee. STAZE MOLDS PUTFS TIGNTf R. WW! Dodgers Held Best In National Bucs STATE OF MJW VOKK DEPARTMENT OF AOKICl X.TIRE AIVD I'lHMIIH Or MILK (V.MKULl IS mtttf mt Hrartnc with Krspeet m. Amend OTiirIM Order o.
XV Kearnlatlng ike HaadMng of Milk: (be Knrarxter Mlllc Marketing Area WHERE A the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets of the Ptate of New York did on November 28, 1938. pursuant to the provisions of the Agriculture and Markets Law, as amended, duly promulgate Official Order No. 129 regulating the handling of milk produced sale in the Rochester Miik Marketing Area as defined in such official order; and WHEREAS the said Official Order No. 129 became effective December 1. 1830 and as last amended effective Anril l.
iuo JiFromAII Ho Nasty Tsst Tiblet Form Ey to Tska Fronts Athletic scholarships will be given HOME owner wanted, who is Interested tn a samp: wall-til Job to be used for advertising purpose. Culver 516. ALWAYS us Formica to replaea vera sink topa, counter or table tops, tons wearing, add resistant, easRy Estimate. Cail Russell. Glenwood 2443-J.
CASUAI. ehoea in ail new Spring colors from $2.98 at Rosenberg's. 221 North Street, corner Cumberland. Open -evening. SPRING housecleanqig; why worry? Attx to basement.
BAker 7060. READY cash for diamonds, antique Jewelry, old gold, sliver and trinkets, Weas-tMich, 398 E. Main. Hamilton S575. RHEUMATISM: Miller's rheumatism pre-acription for arthritis, ztenritie, sciatica, muscular aches and pains.
Miller Drug Coll 60 Clinton Ave. corner Are. D-. Main fe709. 8AVE! About naif 00 your soodai, silks, wooiens; cottons, drape, eiip COVenS.
ManflAtlafl -JSiiar ieT By JOE REICHLER New York (AP) Burt Shotten's Brooklyn Dodgers are the writer's pick to win the National League pennant, but only after a terrific struggle with the improved Pittsburgh Jit Vi TTnivpraitv rvf MinnACAt. m.vfianil 0 'Ji Fall for the first tima in the lnttitn i. instltu-j tlon a history. The announcement was made yesterday by Dr. J.
L. Morrill, University president. The scholarships will be named for following petition to the at. e. GRANGER'S repairs all radios quickly; U-l A si BP akraSapVrs axjai.
inspection given nome; writ ten guarantee- 62 Spring St. Main 3123. WE buy Junk, bignest prices, paper, rasa. scraiaron. HAmrtton SSIO.
PAL'LL, saiea asain. 100 alt hand worsted suits and pants. $37.50. PauU. 42 N.
Clinton, opposite Mortimer, one flight up. a WANTED, home owner, to take advantage of new shingle-typ exterior eidme; joo, for advertising purposes. Cut Sl9. MySTERY THEATER" 0:00 MAX METCALF 1 P. M.
DAILY AND THE NEWS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY WHAM A Democrat and Chronicle -Radio Feature OQQ 0a Crinia and altjh finance mingle on Theater" tonight whan a timid "milk and employs of an investment company is suspected after 1ka company watchman is killed and a large sum of cash disappears. Alfred Shirley is heard as Inspector Hearthstone, and Joseph Julian plays Detective Sam Cook. Program is produced by Frank and Anno HummtrL Listen in! 30 MR. It MRS. NORTH Tonight the Norths meet 'The Uncertain Lady" who decide whether her husband is in danger.
Alice Frost and Joseph Curtin play th leads. Don't miss itl HIT THE JACXPOT Not only th studio audience but listeners at home compete for valuable prizes on this top-notch quiz show I Listen in tonight and every Tuesday! Fun for all! 10" I fSHfl fftB fid) 11 ITM. IB. I.J in Mi Is a 4. the are in the In i the at iwiH I his FT EVERYBODY'S 6 to 7 P.
HOUR! M. This is on of the most important and informative hours on our whole schedule! Local and world news. Sports. Rochester mirror WE THE PEOPLE Erace host interviewer Dan Seymour brings to the microphone another cjroup of interesting personalities from many walks of life. Be sur to listen every Tuesday! AUCTIONS Aactoaaeers.
AsctJaa bale 12 ARNOLD Biocm. auctioneer: homes of furniture, stores, fixture. For astamate phone Glen. 235. P.
O. Box 452. EMANUEL Levy, auctioneer; estate an homes of furnitur etabiahed 2S years For best results phone Main 437. SHOO LM AN, Auctioneer, appraiser. liquU dator for stores, merchandise, fixtures, machinery, HAmilton 6120.
AUTOMOTIVE Cars DiansaDtle 14 ALL popular makes in our yard. Quick: service. Reasonable prices. Unit Pari. H85 Main St.
E. CaL 0258. LOOKING for parts? See Globe Auto Parts. dismantling all makes of ears from 1929 thru 1940. 24S5 Dewey.
Charlotte 2QS5. CALL us For auto parts. A-ax Auto Parts. 117 Atlantic. Monro fss.
Open Sunday mornings. Dismantling 1934 Buick. model 40. Ant. Accessories.
Parts 15 AUTO seat covers, close out price. 4 93 up: S.0OX16 tires. $10 50. Al's Easo Rer-v. tee Station.
16 a. Washington. Main 5423. AUTO radios, repairs. 90-day guarmtHeeT Chapman.
443 Court. Open days and Wed, -and Frl. evenings. AUTO parts, muffler, tall and exhaust. pipes.
Aute rarts Inc. 954 Lyell. Glen. 6773. AUTO cooling radiators, large slock eat used radiators, recundltiocea for exchange; new radiators: cores radiators cleaned and repaired.
Th tor Shop. 462 South Ave. HAmilton 41 1U AUTO parts, cew and used. Schuber Auto Parts Inc. 559 Lyell.
Glen. 6775.. VIC'S Auto Parts: 3 Hudson. Pays ton for wrecks and Junker to diamaatia. 7S8 Lake.
Gleowood 7762. Open evenanga. AUTO parts, relined brake shoes and drum -turning. JVrraber Auto Parts luc 558 Lyell, Glen. 6775.
Auto Rental 17 RENT a new car. "U-Drive-It." Surprisingly low cost by day. week or longer. Empire 0709. Auto Rental.
306 East An. Automobiles for Sale 1 wsm Rochester. T. CX.AS5TJFIED AnVF.RTISrNG INFORMATION CLASSIFIED BATES Xon-CemmrrcUl Cash Bates Consecutive Insertions One Three Seven Da Dava Dava 10 words or 60c S1.50 $3.15 11 to 15 words 90c S2.25 S4.73 Foradi word over 15 add 6c 15c .313 Above rates apply only to Rochester and surrounding towns. Rates outside this territory are 8c Per word daily.
10c Sundays. on-C ommercial marge Consecutive Insertions One Three Seven Day Davs Days 10 words or 70c J1.SO S3.85 11 to 15 words $L05 $2.70 $5.78 For each word over 15 add 7c 18c .385 Cash rates allowed if bill is paid within 7 days of billing date. ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION! Green Lantern Inn, 4 Fair port. cater to parties, weddings. nooe 402.
DANCING. Thursday through Sunday. Kna0-Htfl ainialtv Na ftival1 fiaaree. Stat a Piatt Grill, 310 Stat St. AL'S Green Tavern.
Ever bad "Fish Fry Stwcial" at Al's? Come one. come ail and bring your pals. 1160 N. Goodman. MEEHAN'S Restaurant.
115 Buffalo Rd. Genese 8452. We cater to banqueta. Dancing every nlbt. FRANK Rogs and hia orchestra open for all engagements.
Private parties, wed dings, nifcht clubs, etc. Culver 2S4S-W. 131 BOCK St. Los And Feua, Strayed 6 COCKER lost, black male. Smoky," red harne.1.
Reward. BAker 41JO. DIAMOND ring, lost between MagnoUa and Jefferson on Plymouta on Satur day morning. Reward. Gen.
T77S-M. DOG. Jotig haired, white, black snarkmes. lost. Injured front foot.
Reward. 14o Benton Mon. 5315-J. DOG. female boxer, lost vicinity Strong Memorial Hosprtai, Afsr.
19. Brown. Mack streaks, friendly. "Cindy." Ears, tail eL4ped. Reward.
Monroe 7511-R. FOUND, all black puppy, smalt whit mark right front paw, wearing Harness. BAker 0613. GLASSES, man's, flesb shell rimmed. Fri day.
Lost. Reward. Monroe 2202. MONEY loot. $50 biU, entrusted to man of 72 years, in Critics.
N. Goodman or victnity, Sunday afternoon. Cannot replace It. Please Reward. Culver 1369-J.
PRESCRIPTION gliuases. green Ray-Bans, lost Paramount Theater Saturday, Apr. 9. William Exzyk. 32 Judson Ter.
RINGS 2 1. black onyx with center diamond; Franklin class ring '49; lost Sibley's basement lavatory. Reward. HAMIl- on 2210. Ext.
IOU SILK scaxf, blue figured, wme border, lost Ajt fi. Sand, card, V. A. C. S2 Harper.
Reward. TIRE on wheel, 7.10x15. tost Monday, East Avenue, between Wlnton and Alexander. Reward. Alton Ramp Garage.
70 Cortland Empire 03S0. TOPCOATS, Sheddar," traded at How ard Johnsons. Sunday. 1 hav your gkrves. Char.
162S-M. WALLET, black, lost Thursday evening. Duraod Park. Contains S6O. discharge papers, license.
Reward. Culver OS35-M. WALLET, red. lost. Finder pleaje return papers.
5076-R. 43 Curtis St. WALLET: Lost; license, money and badge. Reward. BAker 6907.
WRISlrlVATCH. lady's, gold Gotham, lost S1md.1v, Fish Hatcheries, Caledonia-Keepsake. Reward. HA. 3503.
Gen. 1742-J. WRISTWATCH. lost, on park Av. bus, between 9:00 and 9:30 a.
m. 643 Park Ave. Monroe 5173-W. WRISTWATCH, lady's, lost vicinity Brit-ton Rd. and Charlotte.
Mrs. E. Denise, Char. 0)5-K. Monument and Cemetery Lots FINE display of monuments, markers and headstones.
Rochester Monument t575 Clifford Ave. Call CuL 1617. MONUMENTS: Many her to choose from now, for early delivery, we Invite your call. Trott 1120 Mt. Hope.
Personal 7-A M. A. I will get in touch with you. but state, where and when please. Mother.
C-67, Democrat. V. J. H. pleas get In touch with me.
A. C. T. Urgentl ANY girl In trouble and tn need of a mend, can or see Mrs. Major G.
run ner. Salvation Army. 61 North St Main 4543. MOTHER. Get in touch with me.
Urgent. sicxness ct nome. will mail jou money. M. A.
WILL gentileman who gave a fellow fisherman lift to Bull's Head laet Thurs day call Gen. 7109-R. Business Personals ARCH support, no metal, lightweight. Mofwoe Surgical, 93 Monro Ave. BROKEN davenport springs retied in your nome.
r.o oust. c. Buoel. Gen. 3307.
BACKACHE board, recommended by lead- tug physicians to relieve backache. Mon ro Surgical. 93 Monro Ave. DON and Bob welcome their friends and customers back to their stand at Sea Breeze, serving the same delicious food. DRESSES.
Drastic "olose-out specials" for Earner. Sixes SO tn tiaia ai.a 18S to 2SH. Monro 5341-J." Zweig'a, 240 Roeedale (off Monroe.) FIRE Sal at 49 Reynolds grocery and fixtures. April ISth-lotn. FUNERAL at reasonable prices.
Service and quality unexcelled. C. L. Kennedy. .601 Main St.
East. HOSIERY and novelty, 21 Rogers Ave. Baby gifts. Ctiristening robe and out fits. Novelties for weddings and showers.
idles- nylons, vsc up. Louise A Novelty. Note new location! 3157-R. INCOME tax, state, computed. $2.
Miller Drug 1160 Clinton Ave. corner Ave. D. EM. 0047.
AVC. U. X.JX. VUtl. PERM ANENTS given in your house.
Ma-chlnelesa or cold wave. BAker 8627 or Glenwood 4167-M. PIANO tuning, repairing, of spinets, play ers, grands, upright. Money back guar antee. Free estimates.
Culver 7I25-W. CIUSS NATIVE NEItt CIVE Y0I QUICK, EASY RELIEF from OBSTIPATION Famous 50-vear old laxitiie oim prompt relief through old standby natural herbs. Promotes elimination without purging. Ask for family econo my Sizes, 61C 51.25, af at ynQ vour Caution DUvKI Use only as directed. IIKTIVZ BLISS NATIVE HERBS, HERDS wasn.
u. i RED ITCHY SKIN OF Doctor's Invisible Liquid Promptly Relieves Misery I The first applications of Extra Strength Zemo a doctor's wonderful stainless, invisible antiseptic promptly relieve itching, burning, and aid healing. Zemo is backed by amazing record of continuous success! EXTRA-STRENCTHEPQ NEW FAST-ACTION RUB RELIEVES THE MISERIES of Chest Colds Sore Throat Coughs Aches and Pains New fast-action Antiphlogistin Rub A-5J5 starts relieving discomforts of chest colds and muscular aches and pains the moment it is rubbed and it rubs in fast. Almost at one you feel warm, comforting relief aa th pain-relieving medication take hold-In a national survey. 8 out of 10 families wrote that Rub A-S35 was better than any rubs, liniments or balms formerly used.
Greaseless. won't stain clothes. ANTIPHLOGISTINE At All 0HUQSTOMS err rr today. BILI.Y MKIKIC Bl'RT SIIOTTOX Swtll. the Cub-killer.
Is 41; Ernie Bon-ham 35, Hugh Cssey 35. Klrby Htgb 34. Bob Muncrief 33. Elmer Riddle 32 and Murry Dickson 31. The Braves hav th best pitching with a staff headed by Johnny Sain, th biggest winner last year; Warren s.pahn and Vern Blckford.
They have a fine shortstop in Alvln Dark and a power hitter in Bob Elliott. However, th catch ing is Just fair, and the outfield is weak. Pete Reiser, the Brooklyn castoff, is a question mark and Jeff Heath hasn't completely recovered from his broken ankle. Coming Apart at Seams Th Cards appear to be coming apart tsi seams. Whltey Kurowski can't throw from third and probably will aee little action.
First base is uncertain, the catching is not satisfactory, and Slaugh ter and Musial can play th entir outfield. The pitching Is good. Th Phillies are a fine, young hustling team with uncertain pitching. The Infield is good, the outfield Is strong and the catching la fair. If Hank- Borowy, Ruse Meyer, Ken Heintzelman, Schoolboy Rowe, Robin Roberts and Curt Simmons can de liver on the mound, they'll surprise a lot of experts.
Poor hurling one again figures to plague the Giants. Only Larry Jansen can be counted on to win with any degree of consistency. The power is there but the chuckers will giv up more runs thsn Johnny Mlze, Sid Gordon and Company will furnish. The Cubs hsv Improved but not enough to advance more than one notch. They sttU are weak in the box, Johnny Shmitz notwithstanding.
Except for outfielder Andy Pafko, they haven't a .300 hitter. The Reds haven a solid man la trie lineup. Manager Bucky Walters stilt aTOnn i mmw win, --t- at first, second, third, the thrs outfield positions and behind the plate Ben Morgan Wins In Table Tennis Ben Morgan of the YMCA has been crowned Monroe County table tennis singles champion, as the re sult of a replay of the men's singles event in the Monroe County tournament conducted recently at Durand-Eastman School. Following completion of, the county tournament, In the singles title was won by Morris Meyers, it was discovered that Meyers was in the event through a misunderstanding; that his home is in Buffalo and he thus was not eligible to compete for the county honors. Herb Brickell, who had lost to Meyers, then was given a bye for the replay and lost to Ed Murphy, 21-13, 19-21, 21-11.
In the second round. Murphy went down before Mike Borelli, 21-9, 21-16, and Borelli then was eliminated by Alvln Wicks, 12-21, 16-21, 21-10, 21-19, 21-17. Morgan then downed Wicks, 21-17, 21-19, 21-15. 1 Zollner Rookie Signs Cage Pact Fort Wayne, Ind. Hometowner Dal Zuber, Number 4 draft choice of the Fort Wayne Zollner Pistons, became the first of Fort Wayne's college draft choices to ink his 1949-50 contract.
The high scorer of the Toledo University Rockets for the past three seasons is expected to provide the Pistons with potent offensive punch. Zuber played high school ball at Fort Wayne's South Side and played with Toledo's famed freshman five that, won a berth in the 1943 National Invitational tourney. Three years in the Navy and Zuber's notoriety on the court iiv creased as he was a member of the outstanding Great Lakes bas ketball club. At Great Lakes lie was a teammate of the Piston's playing-coach, Paul Curly) Arm strong. Buffalo Pin Unit Gains State Lead Buffalo The monopoly Roches ter women bowlers had held on top places in the 16th annual New York State Women's Bowling Tournament here was nicked late Sunday night when the Romeo team of this city moved into first place in the Class A team event on a total of 2,724.
This score displaced the Park Tilfords of Rochester, who rolled 2,668 Saturday night to gain the lead. The Romeo total was highlighted by the 705 series rolled by Helen Green, team captain, who hit 212, 214, and 270 for 705, a record for the tournament. In her final game she started with a split, then put on 11 strikes. RADIO INSPECTION IN YOUR HOMZ For quick, low cast repairs, with cjuaront Pkon MAia 3123 GRANGER 62 Spring Si. continues to be In full force, and effect; S2fE A SLtne Kochester Cooperative Miik Producers Bargaining Agency.
repre- more than thiny-ov per ceatum Roche'ter "m'uT r3irUkPt'n to th' the aforesaid' OfficilT'ord" anS ilrkets: PETTTIOM To e. CHESTER TiTT vnvn COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS -OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK ySartTW ROCHESTER CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCERS' BARGAINING AGENCY INC. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO v-ra- YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS OFFICIAL ORDER NO. 129 Th abov named Bareraining Agency reliant to Section 25S-m of th Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York, hereby petitions the Commissioner to call a public hearing and take any other rteedrul and proper steps to amend New York State 'department of A mrtA u. .1.
Official Order No. 129 in the respects here- recommended and approved by this In Support Of tile amendment and approved by the Rochester Co-opera -wii. rrouueera Bargaining Agency, it aileeea the follnwinr Bargaining Agency la di'ilv n- corporated as a co-operative Gornnntlm pursuant to the Co-operative Corporations Law of the Stat tit New V7rlr bershlp is limited to Co-oerativ Corporations organized under such Co-operative Corporations Law or the similar laws of other states oreanized and controlled by milk producers and marketing or selling the milk af nrrn. contract therewith In the Marketing Area described in said order. At present it has nine such members.
These nine associations include and represent about 1.5O0 producer members under contract, according to a-d as sooears from cert'f icts to such efr'ect filed with the Bargaining Agency, out of a total of about 1.550 producers delivering mi Ic in niarti by the Health Authorities having Jurisdiction 1p the Marketing Area. rne Bargaining Agency, by vote taken in accordance wlUi provisions of the ny-Ijims tnereof relative to Acenev action cn such matters, dulv authorized thu petition for the amendments hereinafter set forth and described. 3- Prior to December 1. 1939. the Commissioner found that conditions existed In the Rochester Milk Marketing ar.a affecting and dlxf-uptlng the orderly mar- mine tn sucn area that manic interest required that the nuhiir rw.ii.v declared In Pert inn 258-k of the Agriculture and Markets Law shouVd be made effective, and that it was necessary that prices paid to producers and associations of producers for milk be Sued yr the Commissioner, and that means be crovtded for the eoual distribution of proceeds of sales of all milk approved for said area, and of the industrv expense, and.
therefore, he issued Official Order No. 129. The conditions and omnipresent economic torces wnicn existed at the time of the issuance of the Order remain unchanged. except to the extent that ther have been alleviated by the Order, which reliY can be experted to, continue on'y so long as sucn oraer is effective. Th public in terest continues to require the regula tion of prices of milk In such area.
and the sharing of the benefits of he fluid markets as provided In said Order and the equalization of the burden of surnlus mi'k. and the eaual distribu tion of the expense of handling it. and the continuation of the Order and all of its provisions in its present form, except for such revi.rkvn and amendments as are hereinafter described and requested by this Agency. The Rochester Bargaining Agency has received from the Rochester Dairy Council a request that the following proposed amendments be submitted to the Commissioner of Agriculture and Market for consideration at a hearing to amend Official Order No. 129 and we hereby submit these proposals pursuant to such re quest: 4.
Amend Article lit. Section 1, sub section fci to read as follows: (C) For Class II-F milk the price during each month shall computed as 'ollows: To the average of the highest price reported daily during such month by the United States Department of Agriculture for 92 score butter at wholesale in the New York Market adtl 20 percent, multiply bv 3.5 and subtract X.314." S. Amend Artic'e III. Section 4. sub section a) by adding the following paragraph: if any skim milk is moved from tn plant where separated, to another plant the adjustment as provided in Article V.
Section 1. subsection (i) shall aprny." B. Amend Article V. Section 1, sub section fgi to read as follows: (g) Ir any skim milk was sold as fluid skim milk, as provided in Article III, Section 4. there shall be added an amount per 100 lbs.
of skim milk to be computed as follows: Divide the Class I price for 3.5S. milk by 4. deduct therefrom the skim milk adjustment as provided tn Article III. Section 4. and divide the result hv .9125." T.
Amend Article V. Section 1. by add ing a new subsection (I) to read as follows '(I) Deduct S.075 per cwt. of skim milk which was moved in the form of skim milk from the plsnt where separated to any other plant more than mile distant, provided that such skim milk is not subject to the adjustment provided in subsection of this section, and provided further that such deduction shall not apply to the equivalent quantity of any skim milk moved Into such plant." Dtete sub-oragraph Ca of Article VI. Section 6.
and replace with th following ia) To marketers wnicn are co-operative associations, for plant handling charges on milk for utilization In Class IV-A. at the rat of 12c per provided, however, that no market service payment shall be made to any co-operativ association upon that portian of its milk which bears to its total milk the same ratio as the miik reported by all marketers, other than co-operative associations utilized in Class IV-A. bears to the total receipts of such marketers." P. The Pxrgaininr Agency. In the belief that milk priced under the recently adopted Class IV-B formula cannot be marketed to users of such milk and transported to their plants for such use at rates sufficient to permit them to pay the established price without sustaining loss.
therefor purposes th following amendment: Amend Article III. Section 1, subsection (e to read as follows: "(e) For Class IV-B mfik, the pric during each month, shall be a price computed by the Commissioner as follows: From th average of weekly Quotations at the Wisconsin Cheese Exchange. Plymouth. Wisconsin, for Cheddars, or in the absence of such quotations for Ched-" dsrs. the weekly quotations at the Wisconsin Cheese Exchange for Twins, subtract Use multiply by 9.
and from the result subtract 18c." WHEREFORE. petitioner respectfully requests that the Commissioner act on the proposals herein by holding a hearing as promptly as may be convenient and taking auch further steps as may be necessary for the adoption and promulgation of auch amendments as the Commissioner determines are for the public welfare. Resoectfullv submitted. ROCHESTER CO-OPERATTVE MILK PRODUCERS' BARGAINING AGENCY INC. Br Oscar Q.
Smith, President. State of New York Count of Monroe ss. OSCAR 5. SMITH, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides in the Town of Livonia. Livingston County.
New York, snd is an officer, to wit: President of the ROCHESTER CO-OPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERS' BARGAINING AGENCY. the Petitioner herein; that he has read the foregoine Petition by him subscribed as such President and knows the contents thereof: that the same are true to the konwledge of deoonent. Oscar G. Smith Simscrlbed and Sworn to before me this 7th day of April, 1949. Grautier Neville Notarv Public NOW.
THEREFORE, pursuant to th provisions of the Agrictilture snd Markets Lsw. as amended. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing to be held in the Seneca Hotel. Rochester. New York, on Friday.
April 22. 1949. at 9:30 a. E. S.
T. This public hearing is for the purpose of receiving evidence as to th necessity for amending Official Order No. 129 as set forth herein. C. CHESTER DU MONT).
Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets of the Stat of New York Bv Kenneh Fee. KENNETH FEE. Director Division of Milk Control Dated at Albany. N. Y.
April 1949. late Dr. Henry L. Williams head football coach at Minnesota from 1900 to 1921. They will be financed solely from contributors earmarked for athletics.
Awards will be made on the basis of leadership, financial need and scholarship ability of ap plicants for the athletic scholar ships A 15-round bout between Cleveland's Joey Maxim and Gus Les- nevich of Cliffside, X. J. was ap proved by the Cincinnati Boxine Commission. The scrap is scheduled for May 23 at the Cincinnati Garden Tournament officials at Virginia Beach scratched the name of Chick Harbert off the liet of Rolf stars who will participate in the Cavalier Specialists tourney Apr. 15-17.
Harbert, named to the team of specialist for his prowess ajs a driver, underwent an appendectomy Sunday night in Atlanta. Tommy Yarosz, lieht heavy weight title contender from Mon-aca, and Tony Janiro, Youngs- town, Ohio, welterweight, returned from London where both scored impressive victories earlier this month. Yarosz outpointed David Sands, Australia, in 10-rounds. Janiro stopped Gwj'n Williams of Wales in the eighth round of a scheduled 10-rounder Fight manager Sam Ichinose said he was giving up trying to bring flyweight champion Tlinty Monaghan to Honolulu to meet his boy. Dado Marino.
Frank Mac Alorn, had advised him it would take $40,000. Ichinose said that was too much. Walker Cooper, New York Giant cawner in going to St. Ixiuis to have his left knee, injured last season, examined by Dr. Robert land, club physician of the St.
Louis Cardinals Ray Sanders, Boston Braves first baseman, has an incomplete fracture of the scaphoid bone in his right wrist and he will be out of action from six to eight weeks. He was hurt in an exhibition game several days ago The Oakland Post-Enquirer said it had learned officials of the California Intercollegiate Base ball Association are investigating a report that a Stanford University player engaged in prof essional "baseball in 1911-42. 'The player's name was given as Frank MaeGraw. Paul Shoults, captain of "Miami University's football team last year, signed a contract with the New York Bulldogs of the National Professional Football League A scheduled visit to Puerto Rico by the Yale University basketball team this Summer has been can celled. German Sampayo of the Agricultural College at Mayaguer said the trip was called off ty Yale officials because of a failure to arrange suitable dates for seven proposed games Washington College announced yesterday the appointment of D.ominick (Tim) Montero as its football coach.
The 30-year-old Montero, a former La- Salle College grid star, was coach at the St. James Catholic School for boys in Chester, in 1948. He will assume his new duties in the Fall Robert Stranahan. father of British amateur golf champion Frank Stranahan, is going to try to take the title away from his son this year. The rtoyai and Ancient Golf Club at St.
Andrews said it had received an entry from the Toledo. Ohio, millionaire to compete in the at Portmernock, Erie, beginning May 23. First I.t. Eddie Rafalko has been appointed an assistant footbau coach at West Point, officials of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base said yesterday. He will report Aug.
1. Rafalko Is a former Army iooi-ball and basketball player. He now is stationed at Davis-Monthan in Tucson, Ariz. Aurora Downs has received record entr yof 637 nominations for 22 harness stake events on that track between May 9 and July 16. University of Tennessee has entered a squad for the 55th an nual Penn Relay Carnival on Franklin Field Apr.
29-30. Entries of six Guatemalan runners have been accepted provisionally bv the Boston AA for the 53rd Boston Marathon Apr. 19. Tiny Jerry Thompson, former ace middle distance runner of Texas has entered the Glen Cunningham Mile in the Kansas Relays Apr. 23.
Pari-mutuel betting on horse rac ing was outlawed by the Michigan Senate yesterday, 24 to 2. It now faces an uncertain fate the House Denmark's badminton team bowed to the world champion Malaya combination last night, 6-1. at Joe Louis, retired heavy champ, announced yesterday he would make his debut as a boxing pro moter at Detroit's Olympia Stadium Apr. 27 A basketball autographed by Babe Ruth the night before he died was dedicated yes terday to the Cancer Fund drive. ADVERTISEMENT FREED FROM HARSH LAXATIVES 'I used to take laxatives regularly until I started eating KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN daily.
That was 22 years ago. ALL-BRAN still keeps me regulaiT'CZarerure Af. Smith, 320 St. Paul Avenue, Afadt-8on, TVts. This is just one of many unsolicited letters.
If you suffer constipation 1F1 due to lack of bulk in 1 if Pirates. At least two other clubs Boston and St. Louis will have something to say as to which team will represent the senior circuit in the World Series. But the pendlum lngs to the Dodgers because they have the youth, aggressive ness, speed, poise, balance and reserve strength the others lack. The Pirates 'have more power, equal def and may even top Brooklyn's pitching, but the Bucs are slow and aged, and their bench only mediocre.
Should Kiner, Stan Rojek or Bob Chesnes be forced out of action for any extended period the managerial genius of Bill Meyer could not bring Pittsburgh a pennant. The Dodgers are rich in reserves who can step in and give an excellent account of themselves should anything happen to any of the first line athletes. Cards Have Too Maany Ifs' Boston' decision to stand pat not calculated to do the defending champion Braves any good. However, they still hve enough to finish a strong third. The Card-j inals have too many "ifs" to make serious fight of it.
But any club with Stan Musial. Enos Slaughter, Marty Marion and Harry Brecheen should finish in the first division. Here's the way we see prob able order of finish: 1. Brooklyn: 2. Pittsburgh; 3.
Boeton; St. Louis; 6. Philadelphia: 6. New York: 7. Chicago; 8.
Cincinnati. Shot ton has hia men already picked with exception of first base and left field. And at neither position doti he have what might be raliad a problem. Jackie Robin-on-t second, and Pee Wee Reeae at short, without peera at their respective posi-tiona. Connor Mar Get Call Billy Cox, a rejuvenated ball player, outstripped five others for the third bane! The first baseman looks like Oil lodges, but 1 he alls to make It.
Kevin Connors, currently on the Montreal rooter, mtv get a crack at it. Th catching, handled by Rov Campanula and Bruce Edwards, la the best the lea sue. The pitching Ss not great, but has great potentialities. Ralph Branca, 21-game winner In 1947. and Rex Barney, a 15-game winner last year, figure to head the staff.
Joe Hatten, Preacher Roe and Harry Taylor complete tne starting live, willard Rams-dell. Erv palica and Paul Minner will handle the relief. Cart yurillo right. Duke Snider in center and Cal Abrams, who has won left field job from Gen Hermanski, up as a fair-hitting, fine-fielding and spectacular throwing outfield. Herman-ski.
Mike McCormlck and Tommy Brown will giv them ample protection. New Pirate Fare The Pirates will present two new faces center fielder Wally Judnich and Les Fleming at first, and a couple of old ones with new Ideaa in right fielder Wally Westlak and catcher Ed Fitzgerald. Home Run Ksng Kiner rounds out a lhard hitting outfield. And don't forget ageless, ever-dependable Dixie Walker. The Infield i spotty with only Rojek short a standout.
Clyde McCullough help Fitzgerald with the mask and imitt. Th pitchers ar th real Methuselah the club. Meyer worked wonders with creaky mound corps last year. The i question Is can he do it again? Rip WARC IMUET MBS II I 1280 Dan Patrol News; Arthur Dawn Patrol, News This Is Arthur Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol News; Arthur This la Arthur This Is Arthur Breakfast New Martin AgroDsky News, Market Second Breakfast Tun Story This Is Arthur This la Arthur News; Arthur This la Arthur Breakfast Club Breakfast CIu: Breakfast Club Breakfast Club News; Arthur 1 This la Arthur This Is Arthur This la Arthur My Story My Story; Crocker Betty Crocker For Milady Just For You Just For You Just For You Just For You Nelson Olmstead Modern Romances Modern Romances Galen Drake Just for You Just for You Heatter's Mallbac Quiz Club Welcome Travelers Welcome Traveler News; Vern Young Roberta Rambling Kate Smith Talks Kate Smith Sing Noonday News Mystery Tune Test Baukhage Talks Musical Showcase Musical 8howcas Dorothy Dix What Say Roch.T Happy Gang Happy Gang Passing Parad Hollyw'd Breakfast Queen for Day Hollyw'd Breakfast Queen for Day Bride. Groom Best By Request Bride.
Groom Best By Request Ladies Seated i Ladles Seated Houie Party Hous Party Best By Request Bam By Request Best By Request Best By Request Kay Kyser Kay Kyser S50 Club 950 Club Best By Request Best By Request Best By Request Best By Request Klddi Korner Ethel, Albert New McCarthy. Sport Straight Arrow Straight Arrow Capt- MMntCnt Tom Mix Green Hornet Green Hornet Jsck Armstrong Jsck Armstrong Mystcrv Ttifie Test Mystery Tune Vest Twilight Newa Orosby Records Hill: Piano T.B.A. Counterspy Counterspy Fulton Lewis Jr. Favorit Five Favorite Fiv Inside of Eports Talent Tour Talent Tour Town Meeting Town Meeting Gregory Hood Gregory Hood Official Detective Detective. Gardner Town MeeUng Town Meeting K.
D. Canliam Rex Maupln Gabriei Heatter Mutual Newsreel Mysterious Traveler Mysterious Traveler Rex Maupln Rex Maunln Tim to Walts Tim to Walts Fred Waring Fred Waring Bedtime Newa Stairways. Stardom News Stairways, Stardom Muaie tft Dream By Musis You Want Musle to Dream By Lullaby Musie Musle to Dream By Lullaby Musie TMrm p. m. dally.
TOT-" AUSTIN. See the new 1949 Austin. Ready for Immediate delivery in Rochester. including heater. No trade necessary, but acceptable.
Hause Motor Saiea 1800 E. Main, authorized factory dealer. Genuine factory parts and service. Open evenings. AUSTIN, 194.S 4-door, $1,25.
Ckuts A-l. Hausa Motor Sales, Willya-Overland Distributor. IS iMJE Main. Open daily tD! 9. BUICK.
1841 special sedanette. Th best model for economy with comfort. Original 32.000 miles. Body and motor proves -the mileage. Also 41 Qlds sedanette.
$95. Churchill Motors, 110 Mi. Hope Av. BUICK. 1947.
super four door sedan, gray finish. 4uily equipped. Traded in on a new Cadillac and baa only 6,700 miles a it. Guaranteed of course. $1,893 00.
Valley Cadillac (used car division). 1701 East Ave. BUICK. 1938 coach. Good runner: $115.
John Pitts, Ontario, N. Y. Open evening. BUICK. 1941 sedanette.
ail extras, new paint, excellent running, $S95. Cortes. 1S2 East Ave. Open evenings. BUICK.
1941, super convertible sedan, ra-dio. beater; an outstanding car. Whltir.g-Buick. 30 N. Union (between East and University Avenues).
BA. 4990. BUICK, 1941 two door special. radio. Good clean car.
$75n. 530 Thurston Road. Genese 7535. Call before p. m.
BUICK. 1941 special sedan, radio and beater, new tires, good motor. This week: only; $695. Court -Union Sales, Court St. at Union.
'i BUICK 194 super-oedanette. driven 6.400 mile. Loaded with extras. 1947 Special 4-door sedan, lik new, $1,895. Me-Evoy's.
336 Broadway. BL'ICKS. We have aa exceptional offering of low mileage and '47 models. Exceptional in appearance, mechanical con- dition and. prices that wiii pleas you.
Convertible club coupes, sedans and sedanette. If you're Boick minded, can please you as to body style and price, Monroe Auto Sales. 2S0 South Ave. 'Big showroom and car lot holding better value in used cars. Open evenings to 9 BUICK, 1947, very low mileage, equipped super sedanette.
Enticing array finish. General air-ride tires. "It's a bnv" you will find unequalled any place in the city. Monroe Auto Sales. 260 South Av.
"Big lnsid stiowHJora open rights. BUICK 1940 special sedan. Best in newsl on the Supper Clubl Littl Symphony. You'r welcome Rochester Radio City to se as hear this program of fin orchestral music. Guest conductor: Paul Whit.
FIBBER McGEE'S 14lh Anniversary! 9:30 TONIGHT lonight Fibber McGee and Molly complete their 14th year in radio. And today they're more popular than ever, with literally millions of listeners as their friends. Be sure to hear them tonight at 9:30 on WHAM! musici Like music? Then you 11 en-Soy lb fin Frd Waring Show. Every mornina on WHAM at 10. 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 (i WHEC I lilll II MUl i tinAM Medif.i.,- 45 Market Newt Fruit News Max Raney 7 Musical Ciocs; 15 Mus'cai Clock 39 Musical Clock 4a Musical Clock News; Clock Pete.
Jo A I 8 sson Clockwise 8 Knox; News 3'J Musicai Clock 45 Mustcsi Clock Metcalf. News Clockwise Clockwts Clockwis 9 90 Musicai Clock 15 Musical Clock 30 To the Kessler. News For Women Only For Women Only Tower Clock 45 To th Ladies 10 1 News; Ladies 15 To the Ladies 30 Arthur CMitr Fred Waring Fred Waring Road of Life Brighter Day 45 Arthur Godfrey 11 OO Arthur Godfrey 15 Arthur Godfrey 30 Grand 6 lam 45 Rosemary Dr. Paul Love, Learn Jack Berch Lora Lawton 12 (K Warren New News; Willisana Farm News Answer Man Off the Record 15 A I S'e! T-U New SO Helen uur uai Bunaay ft" S's-er tS Ma PeDclna 20 Dr. Malone 45 Guiding Light Metcalf, News Ann Rogers Cinderella Weekend Cinderella Weekead 6:00 Eso 7:00 Jo Stafford 7:30 McCurdy at well as This Is Bob Hop Bia Town.
Peopl fc WHAM than Guide Your LU. Ralph Edwards. and singer Doris Day! "Th Lonely Heart." Ar Funny. Art Linklettrl serves more listeners daily any other Rochester station! to Radio Programs i- VVdAT VYnNT Church Chime Tim Tun Tempos Clock Watcher 8aered Heart Timekeeper Timekeeper News: Timekeeper Timekeeper News; Clock Clock Watcher News Clock Watcher Tjnekeeper Timekeeper News; Timekeeper Timekeeper News Musical Parade Musical Parad Clock Watcher Tuneful Trends Tuneful Trends News: Trends Tuneful Trends News; Music Mountain Music Mountain Musle People'. Exchange Hamemaker Piano Portraits News, Jamboree Hillbilly Jambore News: Sounds Easy Waltz Tim Bing Sings Ring Sings Make Believe Ball Mak Believe Ball News: Ballroom Mak Believe Ball News; Index Shopper's Index Shopper's Index Shopper's Index Hello Rochester Noon Melodies Weather, News Rhythm Varieties News Midday Melodies Sounds Easy Minds Melodies On Stag On Stag Newa Border South of Border News; "680" "6S0" Club 8S0' Club "680" Club Bandstand Tim News; '680' Club Penthoua Ser'ad -680' Club News; Maestro '680' Club Musi Maestro '680' Club a 1370 Club 1370 Club News.
1370 Club 1370 Club News: Melody Melody Matlne Melody Matinee Melody Matlne Musical Mustcaie News; Musicals Musical News; Melody Melody Ratine Melody Matlne Melody Matlne Musical Musical Tops In Pops Topa in Pop Paul Robinson Turf Time Polka Party Polka Party Supper Club Suppsr Club News: Cnsmbrrlain Frsddl Martin Meet th Band Sports Sports Sign Off Melody Corner Melody Corner News; Corner Melody Corner M'KNV FM Metro. Opera, Metro. Opera Metro. Opera Melody Corner Metro. Opera t'N Today Metro.
Opera News; Waring Ree. Metro Opera Waring Record Sign Off Songs of Islands Say with Musie News; Walts Tims to Walts CBL 740 To Be Announced Fibber. Moily Fibber, Molly Evening Star Evening Star News; Sandman Sandman News News Roundup Leicester Squar Leicester Square Sandman Sandman News: Sandman Sandman Erio Wild Music Erie Wild Mono Harris Orcn Harris Orrh Programs Subject to Last-Minut Chang) WHKC it es a mM rvia jf.tniftM wuv p. cmea in programs from 0 :45 to 9 equipped. On owner ear.
Only $795 today at A st man Motor. 740 Lake Ave. Open nights. BUICK. 1947.
super convert ie. 10.770) guaranteed actual miles. Red leather interior, black top, tan paint, super cushion seat covers. Tfa eieaneat used 1 car in New York State, In fact, it as ttv newest used car ever offered for sale. -Hupp Motor.
Fairport. authorized Ford. Mercury. Lincoln dealer. BUICK, 1947 Roadmaster convertible, beau-tiful condition, all extras, with whit wall tires.
$2,195. Hillside 2556. 320 Elmwood Ave. BUICK. 47 Super sedan, looks and run like new.
Black finish, lots of chrome trimming, satin seat covers, radio r-nd heater; low mileage, $1,879. Schoen. 6S Genesee. BUICK, 1938 coupe, recent motor job, ail new tires, radio, heater. Buy this for $231 down and $28.81 monthly.
Dorscfcei- Studebaker. 67 Ridg Rd. W. at 1490 Lake. Open evenings.
BUiCK. 1947 maroon special sedanette. Radio, beater, 14,000 miles. 81 Devon Road. BUICK 1940 tudor sedan 35,000 actual miles: on owner: must to ap preciate.
Genesee Auto Saiea. 6 MarsbaS Street, BAker 8122. BUICK. 1947 super sedan, undercoat. $1W, seat covers, driven 2.500 miles.
Lock, save. Union Motors. 41 S. Union. BUICK.
1940 uper 4-door sedan, two-tone green. All new tire. Meacham Poctiae. Pittsford. Hillside 2886.
BUICK. 1939 sedan, radio, beater, good tires, original finish. Clean inside and 1 out. special at $698. Se Ted Hoar, at Ralph's Branch.
290 Lyell. BUICK 1941 special aenanette, tins car la excellent condition both moffiam-oaily and body condition. If you wast av good Buick see thi one. Belkircb ISO Mt. Hope.
BUICK. 1941 super club coupe. Beautiful gun metal finish, radio, heater. $330 ilinn. -Shepard Motor.
5S3 E. Mara. BUICK. 1946 super sedanette. faiiy equipped.
Special low price. $1,395. "Save at Slebert's," 615 South Ave. BUICK 1941 special sedan: new paint. tiptop condition.
$9S down. par month. Ralph Pont lac. 62S W. Main.
BUICK 1942 super sedanette. beautiful stone grey finish; fully equipped: low GMAC rates. Ralphr Pontiac. 626 W. Main.
BUICK '4S sedanette, most attractive ever built. Fully guaranteed, aa practically no mileage. Is fully equipped and is a rar-gain not to be found often because yon are saving around $1,000 from prtc of new one at Frank Jones. Dodg dealer. 450 E.
Main, i opposite Eastman BUICK. 1941 sedanette. a original. owner car that snake a lot new ones look Seeing is believing. United Motor Sales, 22 Lyell.
BUICK 1940 special tudor. Heat and -music. Priced right. Hurry tar thi one! Hause Motor Sale. Wlllys-Ovefand Distributors.
35 8. Clinton. HA. S42. Open daily till 9, closed Sua.
2,0" Second Mrs. Burton Double or Nothing Double or Nothing if? iZ T. Today's Children 45 nat Maaea Tick Light of World 3 00 David Harum 15 Hilltop Hous 30 Root Lewis Show 45 Lilac Time Life Beautiful Ma Perkins Pepper Young Right. Happiness Backstage Wtif Stella Dallas xtrenso Jones Wldder Brown 4 IK Hurt: 15 Hint Bant; News 30 Winner Tks You 45 Opes House: Stgl Open Hous When O'rl Marries Portia Faces Uf Jtut Plain BUI Front Pag Farrell 3 15 Open House 30 Open Hous 45 hriner Tim (s Goodrich. 15 MacMilias 1 30 Air Journi 45 Lowell Th fS 00 Goodrich.
News News. Sports Answer Man Jimmy Kiaier 3-star Extra an. aporus rial Thomas CO Bejiah Supper Club World New I.ltti Sympnony Llttl Symphony WIS Jci i 3 Clut 45 Mur 15 Jack "ralta Show lub 15 urrrw. News tJ wyiicry i 15 Mvstery Trieste i 30 Mr. and Mra i 45 Mr and Mrs.
I 00 Mystery Theater This la Your Ufa ter Thl 1 Your Life North Allen Tonne hna Nortn Alien Young Show 9VJ ni, ui 15 We, 30 Let' 45 Let's I 00 We. the Peopl Bob Hop Bob Hop Fibber. MoTIy Fibber. Molly th Peopi i Go to Party i Go to Party 10 00 Hit Jackpot 15 Hit Jackpot 3o Go to Party Big Town Big Twn Peopl Ar Funny Peopl Are Funny 45 Let's Go to Party 11 OO nC News 15 Weem's Orci. 30 Grerg's Orcn.
45 (es-'s Orcri News: ports Morton Downey NBi! Dane Orcn. NBC Dane Orcn. WHF. Freauencv Modulation station of Alt HIP the diet, eat an ounce of ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty of water. If not satisfied after 10 days, send the empty carton to Kellogg's, Battle Creek, Mich.
Get DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! Buy today. 1 WHFM. Frequency Modulation station affiliated with WHAM at megacycle, duplicates WHAM programs from 11:68 a. m. to 11 P.
m. dally, except for occasional special programs. WRNT-FM at 87 megacycles duplicates WRNT programs from a. m. to.