The Bonne Terre Register from Bonne Terre, Missouri (2024)

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The Bonne Terre Registeri

Bonne Terre, Missouri

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BffllMWB STATE ITEMS MISSOURI STATE NEWS 1 ra SEWS AND NOTES The Democrat Register A Summary of Important Events BONNE TERRE AST RUNNING GIVEN DEATH BLOW OUT ORMAL STATEMENT GIVEN NO Sub LATE NEWS ITEMS tha and 90 the Tie parcels contained medi of at in life at IN OTHER LANDS A in a one ol in Mon James as his He for the ave sen fail law set the "Resolved 4 1 Cl velop sources Jones steel for probate 25th No cs the ad Dled of Typhoid Mrs annie Wachter wife of Wachter died of typhoid fever at Glasgow the other niorht A torna Sun lives from tor i' ivo at Another Conviction Secured In the St Louis lloodlloE Cases Heavlest Sentence Yet Imposed Their Murrlaire Evidently a ailure Benj Delafield and wife of Webster Groves are about to air their matrimonial miseries in court charges cruelty and she says years he would not allow her at same table with him Many Persons Reported Maimed By Automobile Races in Speed Contest sf Stead's machinist head cut open Iesna champion cyclist broken knee cap George Richard chest crushed ribs broken Henry Jeanot Richard's machinist shoulder fractured Charde head cut open Toiirand severely bruised Gaston Raffeteboy fractured skull leg and arm broken Marcel machinist severe President Sturts East Seattle Wash May The presi dential train drawn by one of the largest locomotives on the Northern Pacific tracks has steamed out of the veards in Seattle on its 'way east Clarence Moore of Washington has just returned from an inspection of the track He timed Louis car as it passed him and found it was making 78 miles an hour The ear of Gabriel gave forth a roar as it leaped the steep incline ar Chartres like a huge rabbit bounding up a hill He saw Jarrot approaching at light ning speed A huge black niastitl got right in the path Jarrot realized that to try to avoid the dog would throw' his car against a tree and he steered directly ahead lie struck the dog squarely and it was pinioned in front of the automobile for a moment and then dropped to the ground be tween the wheels Every bone in its body was broken some of them in a dozen places Concerning the effect of tlie acci dents Mr Moore expressed the opin ion that it will stop the excessive speed of races and that this would really be beneficial to true sport A iate dispatch from Bordeaux adds another terrible accident to the long list of casualties Mme Chayssas ac companied by her husband both rid ing bicycles were watching the pass age of automobiles at St Andre De Cubzac 12 miles from Bordeaux when a horse frightened by the noise bolted and overturned the woman who fell under a racing auto mobile Her legs were cut off The hope of saving her life is slight Swain of Seymour Ind wa elected president of the National Hardwood association at Indianapolis Ind on the 22d I) Strode Chicago was elected secre tary Darnell Memphis treasurer The celebration at Agram Croatia on the 21st of 1he anniversary of the death of Jellachihieh von Euzim cul minated in a conflict with police who attacked the crowds with sabers wounding many persons and making 350 arrests Three Italians were fore United States Shields in New ork One Mudline ussed a Timekeeper at ike Hale of Seventy Eight Miles an Revised List of Casualties Compiled in the rensli Capital Paris May It is now possible to assemble from the many reports along the route of the first stage of the Paris Madrid automobile race a complete list of casualties This shows six persons killed two so dan gerously injured that they may die and ten seriously injured During the day it was asserted here that 17 per sons had been killed and that 17 wera injured but this was not warranted A carefully revised list of the casual ties follows: Dead: Pierre Roderiz Mr ma chinist collision with a tree near La bourne Terry's machine was burned at Coignieres but he and his machinist were uninjured Bordeaux reports that many of the competitors including MM Charion Tlielliere and Bassy desired to aban don the race but others insisted that their honor required them to resume it at the Spanish frontier if possible but the Spanish government later for bade the race anil thus compelled its complete abandonment The manu facturers have agreed that as a road race is impossible the meeting will Tornadoes passed over sections of Kansas Oklahoma and Texas on the 21st Several persons were killed and a large amount of property was de stroyed red Betty a laborer and his wife were found in their home at Inde pendence Mo on the 21st with their throats cut Mrs Letty had threat ened suicide George rancis Train was on the 21st quarantined at the home of bis sister tieien jj uuiim i Stamford Cohn suffering from mild case of smallpox ive barrels of hydro carbon ex ploded in the Mott Haven yards of the New York Central road at New ork on the 21st One man is dead and two others are in the hospital Roy Chenoweth a student of Do pauw university whose parents live at Nevada Mo was drowned near Greencastle Ind on the 22d Martin Kaiser a farmer living near Manchester Ind and his daughter Anna aged 17 were assaulted by a ne gro on the 22d Kaiser was later found near the Big our track un conseioius The birl was not found rank Harns a farmer his sister Mrs Edward Puhlke and her six year old child were drowned on the 22d while attempting to cross a bridge near Sterling Neb which had been weakened by high water Gov Beckham on the 22d issued an order for one battalion of the Kentucky militia with one Gatling gun to do duty in Jackson during the grand jury investigation of the Marcum assassination Branch secretary of the Busi ness association in Omaha Neb was on the 22d cited for contempt of court for refusing to produce the as books Woodmen of the World at Milwau kee Wis on the 22d made an appro priation of $5000 toward the fraternal building at the Louisiana Purchase ex position The monitor Arkansas departed from Cairo HL on the 22d for New Orleans John Brown a Rock Island railroad employe was struck dead by light ning while standing in the doorway of a store at Lewiston Neb on the 22d A great parade on the 22d closed the Confederate reunion at New Orleans Sterry general solicitor of the Atchison Topeka Santa coast lines died on the 22d at Ixs Angeles Cal The Seaboard Air Line shops at Norfolk Va were burned on the night of the 22d the loss amounting to $750000 or more The destruction of the shops and roundhouse is cons plate Threatened to Dynamite a Train Ar effort has been made to extort $5000 from the Burlington railway of ficials at St Joseph under a threat to blow up with dynamite one of the fast mail trains running between Kansas City and Omaha A decoy in the form of a bag filled with rocks was placed at a spot designated by the robbers near the town of Watson At midnight the form of a man was seen to ap proach the baj' but rapidly disap peared upon discovery of a posse ly ing in wait was captured bv the officers and proved to be II rank lin a young farmer He declined to give the names of others who are sup posed to be with him in the plot Must Pay for Road Never Built Judge Philips of the federal court at Kansas City revived judgment for $01000 against Cass county rendered May 16 1895 The judgment was se cured by Helen Paramore of Mas sachusetts holder of 12 promissory notes of $1000 each bearing 10 per cent interest from the time of their execution ebruary 1 1871 Tha notes were given by the county to the Cinton Kansas City branch of the Tebo Neosho railroad and wera payable at the National Park bank of New York 20 years after date Th road was never built Prisoners Jump rom Train Prisoners Jffe Lain and rank Mc Carty in charge of Sheriff Shad and two deputies of Jackson escaped from custody while en route from St Louis to the penitentiary The prisoners escaped at Bonnot's Mill where the passenger train stopped for a few minutes The men were handcuffed but managed to slip the irons and one went through a car window and the other the door just as the train pulled out Wainwright Preparing to StayAwas William A Haren has filed with the recorder of deeds at St Louis a pow er of attorney from Ellis Wainwright the millionaire brewer now in Eu rope who is wanted in St Louis on a charge of bribery conveying to him the power to vote stock receipts for dividends draw checks and Ivor row money It is believed that Wain wright will remain abroad arris Gives Bond nt St Louis State Senator rank II arris in dicted for bribery at St Louis in con nection with alum legislation in the session of 1899 has given bond in the sum of $5000 Griswold propri etor of the Laclede hotel St Louis Capt arris the son and the senator himself are on the bond lie Knows Many People Thomas Trit elm rd the veteran clcrl of the Laclede hotel St Louis is se riously ill at the home of his sister Mrs Buck of Waverly Mr Pritchard is widely known and prob ably knows more public men in the state than any other man Kelley in Canada Daniel Kelley who is in Quebec Can is chiefly occupied with avoiding interviews with newspaper men has engaged counsel in preparation for a possible attempt to force his re turn to St Louis Meeting of the Executive Committet of the National Association of Manufacturers The Kentucky court of appeals on the 22d sustained the motion that Circuit Judge Cautrill vacate the bench in the trial of the case of the commonwealth against Caleb Powers charged with being an accessory to the murder of William Goebel A ROY Publisher MISSOURL Nixon Mr Porter's machinist buried under automobile Norman Toiirand's machinist at Angouleme Dupuy soldier at Angouleme Caillon cyclist at Angouleme Unknown peasant woman at Ablis Injured: Mr Barm pelvis and thigh broken amputation of leg expected Marcel Renault injured about body and head Mr Porter cut and bruised Mr Stead overturned badly in Died nt His Old Home Attorney Draffcn assistant district and state attorney of Missou la county Montana died at Kansas City his old home He leaves $7009 life insurance to his mother who lives at Boonville Two Women Convicted Two women have been found guilty In the federal court at St Louis of sending improper parcels through the mails and sentenced to the peniten tiary cine Louis Evans a manufacture committed suicide at Springfield on the 22d because his health was bad At Bala Riley county Kas two lit tle girls homed Daub were killed in a tornado on the 22d Rev Di Roberts announced in the Presbyterian assembly at Los Angeles Cat 'i the 22(1 that al! of the eleven amendments to the Confession of aith had been adopted by the pres byteries by an almost unanimous vote Not a single overture received less than 195 affirmative votes nor more than nine negative votes Walter Chapman who ran away from his home in Kansas City 35 years ago and whose present where abouts is unknown is heir to $50000 or more under the will of his father Dr Andrew Chapman lately de ceased The missing man is now about fifty years old The state department at Washing ton is co operating with the agricul tural and treasury departments to carry out the terms of the antiadul teration clause of the agricultural ap propriation act passed by the last congress and it will not be surpris ing if the results are of exceeding importance The Junior Order of American Me ehanies in annual convention at Sir rancisco elected as national council or Dr Cooper of Texas na tional treasurer Adam Sobl Maryland national conductor Martin Woods of Mississippi Edward Deemer was re elected national secre tary The next annual meeting will be held in St Louis in 1904 A correspondent of the press inter viewed a number of the lending Amer ican ami rench auioinobilists and thev all expressed horror at the series of accidents and added that in their opinion it would end speed races in rance and at other points on the continent oxhall Keene said: killing uf so many persons is a terrible blow both to individuals and to automobil ing 'The effect will be a serious not an irreparable blow to fast auto public debt is first men tioned in the national accounts in the year 1694 Each of eight colonies except Samoa receives a subsidy greater than the revenue it yields The first sleeping car seen in Cuba is now on exhibition at Havana This is for use on the recently completed line to Santiago A German chemistostntes that with suitable apparatus saltpetre can be produced from the air by electricity at a fourth of its present cost The recent increase of fur prices iu Russia is attributed to the fact that better skins are now required because Europe has adopted the American fashion of wearing furs outside in stead of as linings Honduras wants foreign capital for building a railway to the region where there is an abundance of ma hogany which is increasing in value Previous to 1900 little mahogany and cedar was exported from Honduras to the United States this year about 18000000 feet will be forwarded via I Pensacola to LouisvilAand to Boston given on the 25th of American AuthorsAstoria New York The will of Benj manufacturer was filed in Pittsburg Pa on the timate was made of the value of the estate but it is said to be not Jess than $60000000 United States Minister Bowen ar rived at La Guayra Venezuela on the 25th At Caracas he was met at the station by President Castro tha members of the cabinet ami all the foreign residents Postmaster General Payne on the 25th summarily dismissed Daniel Miller froiu the legal branch of the department on the charge of allow ing fraudulent use of the mails Lozier 66 years old died of heart disease in the Waldorf Astoria hotel New York on the 25th He was one of the first to manufacture bicycles in this country Sixteen lives were lost aud over twenty persons were seriously injured by tornadoes in southern Nebraska partial details of which were received on the 25th The causualty list of the Paris Mad rid automobile race as compiled on the 25th in Paris showed six persons killed and 12 seriously injured Curtis Jett and Tom White were in dicted on the 25th at Jackson Ky for the murder of James Marcum President Roosevelt began his jour ney eastward from the Pacific coast on the 25th Woman Appointed Assessor Gov Dockery has appointed Mrs Marv Marquis to be assessor of La fayette county vice George Mar quis deceased Mrs Marquis is the only female assessor in the state Charles Murphy leader of Tam many Hall New York decided on the 20th to invite Joseph olk cir cuit attorney of St Louis to make the principal speech at the lanimany Hall celebration on July 4 The historic elm tree planted by Abraham Lincoln in fnfcit of Hie old Lincoln homestead in Springfield Ill fell ot the 21st during a heavy wind and rain storm which tore down a number of trees in the city Met at Warrensburg The sixty fifth annual session of the Independent Order of Odd ellows and the Rebekah Order met at War rensburg The attendance was large or Killing Her Husband Jennie Thornton colored was sen tenced to imprisonment for life at St Louis for killing her husband She lay in wait and shot him Shot Into Train Unknown parties fired into an ex cursion train south of ayette seri ously wounding Cloud Tipton of Han nibal iu the adbomen ormer Senator Vest ormer Senator Vest will go to Sweet Springs to spend the warm pe riod and will then go to St Louis for the fall and wintar ought Over Bucket of Beer James McClun a laborer was prob ably fatally stabbed twice in the ab domen in St Louis in a fight over a bucket of beer Killed by a Train John Conroy a laborer was killed by an Iron Mountain passenger train at the Robert avenue crossing in St Louis Wire Nnil in His Lung The 3 year old son of John Luke of Hedge City has a six penny wire nail in his left lung Surgeons say he will die ix Known However that Committees Have Been Appointed to Organize Employers Through out the Country to Combat Labor aud Adverse Legislation Commissioner on the 19th vhom the secret service agents say are the leaders of a plot to forge thou sands of naturalization papers The marriage of rank A Vander lipformcrly assistant secretary of the United States treasury and now vice president of the City national bank of ew York and Miss Narcissa Cox took place in Chicago on the 19th A man giving his name as Smith and claiming St Louis home was arrested on the 24th at Indianapolis Ind charged with at tempting to bribe a member of the board of public works in that city our companies of Kentucky mi litia with one Gatling gun proceed ed to Jackson Ky on the 24th to preserve order during the grand jury investigation of the Marcum murder The number of accidents in the great ParissMadrid automobile race caused an order to be issued on the 24th forbidding the continuance of the contest on rench soil The appointment of Charles Keep as assistant secretary treasure to succeed Milton Wisconsin: ay of the Chicago Van Bucks Stove Range and 11 Chamberlain John McLaren former vice presi dent of the Union national bank and Henry Wilson a lawyer were di rected in Chicago on the 20th to take charge as receiversof the Porter Brothers Co one of the largest fruit commission houses in the country The United States monitor Arkan sas which was imprisoned just abovi Ste Genevieve Mo by an impassable bar weighed anchor early on the morning of the 19th and started southward the almost unexpected rise in the river giving her clear pas sage over the bar The man supposed to have been George Spencer who was killed in Kansas City Mo while resisting ar rest was identified on the 21st by a gallery picture as Tom Man sion who took part in the $40 diamond robbery committed at Co seven years ago Nathan Levin president of the He Drew branch of the Jefferson club of St Louis the first of several indicted for the fraudulent procurement of naturalization papers in the 'fit Louil Ac court of appeals waa convicted in the federal court on 14 counts on the 19th and was sentenced by Judgl Amidon to five imprisonment BiKKext Chair in the World The Union chair factory at Tell City Ind is turning out a large chair to be sent to the St Louis IVorlds fair It is said the chair will be largest in the world It will be large enough for the company to have their office under the seat The Union chair factory is one of the most unique in the United States Every man working in the factory is a stock holder in the plant and no one not willing to take stock in the factory is permitted to work there The big chair is about completed and will be shipped to St Louis soon Wife Dead Husband Dying red Letty a laborer and his wife were found in their home at Indepen dence near here early to day with their throats cut The woman was dead and Letty was in a dying con dition and so weak from loss of blood that he could not talk A bloody ra zor lay on the floor Mrs Letty had threatened suicide and it is believed that after she had killed herself Letty tried to end his life The couple were round by one of the children three of whom slept through the tragedy in an adjoining room Evidently Sound Sleepers While Henry Strutmann and his family slept on the second floor the first floor of their home No 400 East Davis street St Louis was visited by fire and burglars which fact was not known to the occupants of the build ing until Strutmann finished his breakfast and went downstairs to open his barroom The first floor is occupied as a saloon and was dam aged $800 to contents and $100 to the building How the fire started and subsided is a problem the police are trying to solve for the astonished proprietor Missouri at Confederate Reunion Missouri was well represented at the confederate reunion at New Or leans A big float for Missouri had been decorated for the occasion and was drawn by Missouri mules all the Missouri veterans riding Miss Vir ginia Allen of Jefferson City maid of honor for Missouri occupied the front place and the two handsome confederate banners of Cardiff Camp of St Joseph were carried by the standard bearers near her ortune for a Runaway Walter Chapman whose where abouts is unknown says a Kansas City dispatch is heir to more than $50000 under the will just probated of his father Dr Andrew Chapman a grandson of the poet Thomas Camp bell Walter Chapman ran away from home 35 years ago on acount of a schoolboy fight and is now 50 years old The missing man is a grand nephew of the elder Campbell found er of the Christian church Hud Good Time nt New Orleans Confederate veterans who attended the reunion at New Orleans report a splendid time The procession w'as five miles long and four hours were consumed in making the march Am bulances had been prepared for those who broke down but were not called into use although many of the vet erans were past 80 and some lew years old To Sell School for the Blind Gov Dockery has appointed John Shepard Janies Jones of St Louis and Kelley Pole of Centralia a commission to sell the site of the Alis souri school for the blind in St Louis and secure another site for the insti tution as provided for in a bill which passed the legislature last winter Promoter Sued for Divorce Walter Vrooraan the promoter several socialistic schemes which have failed is defendant in a divorce suit brought by his wife at Kansas City who is said to have invested a quarter of a million dollars in his enterprises To Advance the Butler Gaze A motion has been filed to advance the case of Edward Butler of St Louis convicted of attempt to bribe so that a decision can be reached be fore the summer adjournment of the Missouri supreme court II of the Ailes was announced in Washington on the 24th rank Speer charged with shooting at homesteaders with intent to kill near Taloga Okla was convicted there on tile 23d Ile'is a prominent catttleman John Rockefeller has given $50 000 to the Young Men's Christian as sociation in Washington An nouncement was made on the 24th in that city An unknown man holding a lighted cigar between his teeth jumped from Brooklyn bridge on the 24th L'he dy was carried away by the cur rent A cloudburst in the Enid bottoms near Enid Okla on the 21th ren dered hundreds of persons homeless and damaged $3D()000 worth of prop erty Anton Calcagno killed Madeline Picconi at San rancisco on the 24th because she left him He had induced her to desert a husband in rance Araos Leedy aged 60 years pleaded guilty at Guthrie Okla on the 23d to the charge of detaining' valuable let ters in a land contest case Advices were received at Salonica on the 24th that a band of revolu tionists had been destroyed by Turks The American Society cf Equity on the 25th issued a bulletin to farmers adrising them not to sell wheat for less than $1 a bushel Near Qiienio Kas on the 24th ISO feet of Santa track was washed away High water caused trouble for all Kansas railroads The monitor Arkansas ai rived Memphis Tenn on the 24th Twenty buildings were damaged St Joseph Mo on tlie 25th by heavy wind storm accompanied by a rain which amounted practically to a cloudburst The greatest damage was iu South SI Joseph where a dozen frame buildings were blown to pieces The annual election of the Royal Arcanum at Quebec Cam on 1 lie 25th resulted in tlie selection of A Itol insom of Missouri for supreme re gent Robert Van Sands of' Illinois supreme orator and 11 Burkhart of Illinois for supreme guide A duel with pistols was fought on the 25111 at Villebon rance between Prince Radziwill of Russia and Count Edward Sizzo of Norris Austria The duel was the outcome of a quar rel over cards Shots were exchanged without effect A dinner in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Ralph Waldo Emerson was the Society the Waldorf PERSONAL AND GENERAL Serious disturbances broke out in the province of Saratoff Russia on the 19th The peasants burned residences of land holders Thirteen hundred slot gambling machines captured in raids and val ued at $125 HIM) were publicly burned in Philadelphia on the 19th The United Confederate Veterans held memorial services at New Or on the 20th to their departed comrades as an incident of the an nual reunion Gon Young and Gen Chai la ron delivered eloquent addresses ind the services closed with the sounding of The management of the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis is being literally overwhelmed with ap plications for space and even now some of the exhibit palaces are fig uratively speaking choked with pros pective installations from all parts of the world A Berlin dispatch of the 20th says: the shedding of one drop of blood Manchuria is now actually' a part of Russia All solemn pledges to the contrary have merely been ruses to stave off foreign The court of appeals at rankfort Ky on the 20th affirmed the judg ment sentencing Claude and Earl Whitney to be hanged for the murder of A Chinn a merchant at Lexington Hugh Murdock editor of th L'nitcd Presbyterian and prominent in church circles died at Sewickley Pa on the 20th of fatty degenera tion of the heart A duel at Sanderson Tex on the 20th resulted in the killing of Biggs magistrate and school teacher Ed Bell a citizen and McMa hon deputy sheriff The men quar reled over a letter The annual convention of the na tional council of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics was con vened on the 20th in Pythian castle San rancisco Lee Turner shot and killed his half brother Turner on the 20th at Jacksboro Tenn It is claimed he acted in self defense The strike of tlie trainmen switchmen of the Mobile fc Ohio road was declared off at Mobile Ala on the 20th Tlie Ohio brigade uniform rank Knights of Pythias in twenty first annual assembly at Columbus on the 20th decided to meet next year in August in St Louis Large numbers of refugees from Macedonia fearing massacre entered Bulgaria on the 20tli The' monitor Arkansas arrived in he Cairo (Ill) harbor on the 21st She coaled and continued her journey A score or more persons were in jured liy the explosion of the gasoline tank of an automobile in New York on the 21st A special from Granger Wyo on the 21st said snow had been falling almost in that jiart of Wyoming since the IGth Tlie Master Plumbers' association international convention in San ran cisco on the 21st decided to bold the next meeting in St Louis President Roosevelt on the 21st laid the cornerstone of tlie Lewis and Clarke monument which is to be erected in tlie City park at Portland Ore A heavv storm swept over Indiana on the 21st Wire service was para lyzed and damage to buildings and crops will reach many thousand dol The St Txmis Society of Vegetari ans at a recent meeting discussed re forms in diet advocating not only ab stinence from meat foods but less cooking of plant products The new $2000000 hotel at Twelfth Locust and St Charles streets bt Louis' will be named The structure will be completed by March next River Settles Law Sult Martha Haemer and Henry Wie ser of St Louis county were at over a farm The ease has been tied by the Mississippi washing farm away Clemency for Vinso Gov Dockery has commuted to imprisonment in the penitentiary the death sentence of John Vinso who killed a man named Ward at Monett Power Brakes for Street Cars The Westinghouse company has closed a $300000 contract with the St Louis Transit Co to install power brakes on all Transit company cars Tlie Arkansas Released At the present writing the indica tions are that the monitor Arkansas will be enabled to pass Moro bar near Ste Genevieve within a few hours Methodists to Build at Columbia The Methodists at Columbia iave secured over $20000 and will let the tontract for the erection of a place of worship to cost $300000 or ailing to Stamp Henry Jordan 1451A Warren nue St Louis was fined $100 and fenced to one day in prison for ing to stamp bogus butter Killed Over a Bar Bill In a dispute over a beer bill at St Louis Mathias Voss a bartender was shot and instantly killed by Henry Santen a shoemaker Girl Ends Her Own Life Annie Steinbainer committed suicide tn St Louis She was despondent having quarreled with her sweetheart the day previous Boy Killed While at Play Harry Hart aged seven years at Mokeville St Louis county was killed by a bullet from a cat rifle with which he was playing Missouri Banks The Missouri State Asso ciation held its annual meeting in St Louis with large attendance Two persons were killed in a manu factory of explosives in the town of Reus Spain on the 20th Eight work men were injured Lawrence Irving son of Sir Henry Irving was married to Mabel Hack ney of Swansea Wales May 2 Tha annouutement was only published on the 19th The permanent treaty between the United States and Cuba in which is incorporated all the provisions of the Platt amendment was signed on the J2d in Havana Maxim Gorki the Russian novelist came out on the 22d with a scathing arraignment of Russian society which he charged with being responsible for the Kischineff massacre A dispatch from Vienna on the 20th reported that all the Albanian chiefs of the Mitrovitza district had been arrested and sent under strong escort to Constantinople Judge Madden at Emporia Kas on the 22d denounced an attempt to re strain newspapers from reporting the evidence and allegations in a certain case before it was given to the jury The promotions of over three thou sand post office clerks throughout the country were canceled on the 20th as a result of tlie post office depart ment investigation in Washington At the session of the National Mu sicians' convention at Indianapolis Ind on the 20th resolutions concern ing World's fair music insisting that it be made" were passed on favorably ire on the 19th devastated the mining town of Little Bay where a large copper mine is being worked Three stores the govern ment buildings and 40 dwellings were destroyed The Pennsylvania Railroad Co de stroyed miles of Western Union wires in Pennsylvania on the 21st Sixty thousand poles were chopped down and $750009 worth of telegraph property destroyed Rev Dr Coyle of Denver Col was elected on the second ballot at San rancisco on the 21st as modera tor of the one hundred and fifteenth assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States St Louis May 24 After being ou 55 minutes the jury iu the trial of Emil Hartmann former member of the house of delegates for bribery returned a verdict at 12:40 clock Saturday afternoon before Judge Ryan finding Hartmann guilty and fixing his punishment at six years in tlie penitentiary 'l'he penalty is the heaviest that has been inflicted so far in the bribery trials Successor to Alles Appointed Washington Mav 25 The appoint ment of Charles Hallman Keep as as sistant secretary of tlie treasury to succeed Milton Ailes who recently resigned to accept tlie vice presidency of tlie Riggs national bank was an nounced Saturday at the treasury de partment Mr Keep is a resident of Buffa'lo and was graduated by Harvard university in the college and law courses lie is 40 years old oinee his graduation from Harvard Mr Keep has been a practicing lawyer in the city of Buffalo ierce Tornado In Illinois Bloomington III May do swept across central Illinois day causing much damage No were lost The storm moved to northeast accompanied by rents of rain and lightning irrain elevators were blown over Carlock and many barns and struc tures were destroyed Thousands oi shade trees were uprooted the dam age being especially' heavy at Normal and Bloomington The street ear sys tem in Bloomington was inoperative part of the day owing to damage tc wires lunced rom Brooklyn Bridge New York May An unknown mun sitting' in an open car crossing Brooklyn bridge Sunday alighted when the car was in the middle ol the center span and running to the side of the bridge jumped into the river He threw his hat in the face of a fireman who tried to seize him as he stood poised on the edge of the trestle work and then dived head first holding a lighted cigar between his teeth His body rose to the ur face immediately after the plunge and was carried away by the current York A Jeffry of tlie Jef fry Manufacturing Co Columbus IL Smith of be Menasha Wooden ware Co ay Sholes Ci cleave of the Co St Louis nHi i Mr Barry president of association after tlie meeiing journed said: the labor agitators proletarians the ecclesiastics those wli are seeking to arrange arbitra tion meetings nor the press have any idea of tlie tremendous movement that is under way among all classes of em ployers all over this country With out regard to polities religions or petty rivalries the men who have their money and their interests cen tered in manufaetures of every de scription have readied the conclusion that they must act as a unit in a great national movement insuring them tia control of their own SIX YEARS OR HARTMANN Montana City at one time most famous placer camps tana wai totally destroyed by fire on the 16th The camp has been deserted for a long time and its loss was only discovered on the 19th The Confederate reunion closed its business session at New Or leans on the 21st St Louis will prob Bblv be the meeting place in 1904 during the fair All the old officers were re elected New York May A meeting ol the executive committee of the Na tional Association of Manufactui ers has been field in this city but beyonc the announcement of the selection oi committees to arrange for the fur therance of the objects' of the associa tion in its fight against labor nc formal statement has been made ol what was done It is known how ever that sub committees represent ing widelv diversified industries were appointed" to go to work systematic ally all over this country to unionize employers that special steps are to be taken to engage eminent legal counsel in the several states to pro tect the manufacturers against boy cotts injunctions and the activity of walking delegates while at the same time none but cordial good will was expressed for tlie laboring men them selves One result of the New Orleans convention which was furthered at this meeting was the systemization of the work of the special oommittee which is to devise and put into effect practical plans for bringing about the co operation of the many state em associations Along that line this resolution was adopted: "Resolved That tlie secretary of this association be empowered to de of information ox enabled to keep in tlie closest touch with all proposed legislation affecting the interests of manufacturers in the several states and that he be given discretionary power io call this to the attention of employers and manufacturers in any state if in his judgment the rights and interests of such employers and manufacturers shall be affected by such proposed legislation This was understood to signify that the sharpest sort of watch is to be maintained 'at the national capital at Washington as well as at the differ ent state capitals A year ago this new organization comprised 978 firms To day the sec retary announces it numbers 2264 employers and manufacturers repre senting every state in the union In addition to the president Mr 1) of Indianapolis those present included A arquarhar president.

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Article information

Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Views: 6148

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.