The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

18 PIQUA DAILY CALL Friday, April 19, Area Hospitals Sidney Wilson Admissions: Mrs. Lewis Ludwig, 510 N. Ohio. Mrs. Margaret Milligan, Rt.

5. Mrs. Hiram Driskell, 121 N. Dismissals; Mrs. Harry Shroyer, James Brock, Mrs.

Larry Carity, Mrs. Homer Ellis, Mrs. Robert Knief, Mrs. Goldie Watts. Greenville Wayne Admissions; Mary Jane Darland, Rt.

2, New Madison. Carol Thwaits, 1234 Howard, Greenville. Pamela Clack, Montgomery, Greenville. Regina Snyder, Ft. 1, Arcanum.

Donald Cruze, Sweltzer, Greenville. Joseph Gigandet, Rt. 1, Versailles. Howard Fitzwater, Rt. 4, Greenville.

Garold Oswald, 420 W. High, Ansonia. Cecil Phelps, 816 Central, Greenville. Robert Hart, 417 Cypress, Greenville. Harold Rank, 100 Ohio, Greenville.

Rhonda Tanner, 119 Anderson, New Madison. Forrest Thomas, 210 N. Maln, New Madison. Walter Bogan, 116 S. Main, Castine.

Jarries Westfall, Rt. 4, Greenville. William Norris, 158 N. Main, Hollansburg. Oscar Baker, Rt.

3, Versailles. Dismissals: Shirley Robinson, Gertrude Turpen, Marvel Kaucher, Geraldine Keeler, Loretta Thomas, Diana Kremer. Urbana Mercy Adroissions: Pern F. Craig, 815 Terry. Mrs.

Harold R. Spriggs, 2357 Barger Rd. Paul Barnhart, 4533 State Route 560 Real Estate Transfers James Berning et al to Ronald I. Hale et al, lot, Pique. Cecil D.

Hall et al to William W. Hall et al, 4 lots, Bradford. Ronald I. Hale et al to Wesley Glenn Davis et al, lot, Piqua. William H.

Smith et al to Carry Dean Gambill et al, lot, Piqua. George F. Anderson et al to Ralph E. Harshberger et al, 10.03 acres, Washington Twp. Mary Kathleen Johnston et to C.R.

Crawford et al, lot, Covington. A.B.T.J. Corp. to Emanuel A. Yates et al, 11 lots, West Milton.

Harold F. Behmet al to J.D. Harris et al, lot, Troy. Glenn D. Fox et al to Glenn D.

Fox et al, lot, Troy, Edgar H. Ingles et al to Billy Taulbee et al, 44.033 acres, Elizabeth Twp. James A. Maginnis et al to Harry R. Pallant et al, lot, Dixie Tara Acres, Monroe Twp.

Joseph N. Crawford et al to John C. Keys, Jr. et al, 12.588 acres, Union Twp. John A.

Hapner, Jr. et al to Chester Gene Shearer, 2 lots, Hilltop Plat, Sec. 1, Monroe Twp. Bruce A. Heath et al to Richard F.

Salb et al, lot, Troy, Bernard A. Wenclewlez to Philip C. Wenslewicz, 1.895 acres, Bethel Twp. Troy Land Improvement Co, to Cameo Construction lot, Troy. Troy Motorist Receives Fine TROY-Michael A.

Fannin, 24, Troy, arrested for driving without a license in Troy March 15, pleaded guilty in Municipal Court Thursday and was fined $100 and costs with $50 suspended. William E. Thomas, 33, Spartanburg, S.C. and James W. Thomas, 30, Marshall, N.C., both arrested for drinking alcoholle beverages In a car on IS 75 at 3:15 a.m.

Thursday, were each fined $25 and costs with both fines and costs suspended, Ronald G. Click, 28, Richmond, arrested on IS 75 at 2:25 a.m. Jan. 19, for reckless driving, paid $100 and costs. Terrance A.

McCarten, 22, Dayton; cited for violation of a Troy stop light, was fined $15 and costs. A.O. Smith Flys Centennial Flag TIPP CITY A striking new centennial flag is now flying over the A. 0. Smith Corporation's Electric Motor Division plant here.

It was unfurled for the first time April 15, after a luncheon attended by employes, division officials and Corporate Vice President and General Manager J. M. Richardson. In brilliant hues of orange, blue and black, the flag includes the A. 0.

Smith centennial symbol the "AOS" trademark, "100" in large numerals And a "Century the centennial slogan on 8 white background, above horizontal orange, blue and black bars. During 1974 the same symbol will be utilized by A. O. Smith divisions across the nation on stationery, calling cards, mailing and shipping labels. All-Ohio Boys' Band To Play In Cotton Bowl COLUMBUS The All-Ohio Boyg' Band, sponsored by the Ohio State Falr, has been officially invited to appear in the 1976 Cotton Bowl Festival Parade on New Year's Day in Dallas, Tex.

The All-Ohia Boys' Band is made up of 300 members who are recommended by their local high school. band directors throughout the state. It has been estimated that more than 6,000 young men have participated in this prestigious musical group since its inception 48 years ago, Since 1970, the Band has been directed by Omar P. Blackman, Director of Instrumental Music at John Marshall H.S. in Cleveland.

Mr. Blackman has also been on the All-Ohio Boys' Band staff since 1955 and has also been the director of the All-Ohio Youth Symphony the last four years. The professional staff of. the Band includes high school and college music educators from all sections of Ohio. The Cotton Bowl Festival Parade will be nationally televised.

It's On The Record MIAMI COUNTY Probate Court 'The last will and testament of Minnie G. Long, Troy, was offered for probate. She left her tangible personal property in equal shares to her children, Harley Long, deceased; Clara McKinney, deceased; Albert Long, Troy; Margaret Hirsch and Katherine Snyder, both of Troy, as well as all the remainder of her estate, with any deceased child's children to inherit the parent's share. She nominated William M. Dixon as executor of the will.

The last will and testament of Clara B. Lindley, Troy, was admitted to probate. She left all her tangible personal property and effects and her interest in their residence to her husband, Theodore Lindley, whom she nominated as executor of the will, The remainder of her estate she left in trust to the First National Bank Trust Troy, to be added to an existing trust. Inventory and appraisem*nt in the estate of Georgia Schaffner, Concord showed valuation of $16,784.73 personal property and $29,500 real estate. First and final account in the estate of Minna C.

Zimmerlin, Piqua, revealed charges and credits of $126,513.91. Lester Bowman, 4700 W. Bausman Piqua, and Carl Bowman, Covington, sons of Levi Bowman, Newberry were appointed coexecutors of the estate of their late father, valued at $25,557.49 persona! property. James C. Utrecht was appointed executor of the estate of Martha H.

Pearson, Troy, valued at an undetermined amount of personal property. Ruth L. Bodine, 404 E. Greene, Piqua, daughter of Rachel L. Miller, Piqua, was appointed executrix of the estate of her late mother, valued at $5,000 persona! property and $12,000 real estate.

Jessie Leona Simes, widow of John W. Simes, Fletcher, was appointed executrix of the estate of her late husband, valued in excess of $1,000 personal property, more than $10,000 real estate and more than $1,000 annual rents. Clara Hoover was appointed executrix of the estate of Ralph R. Fickhoff, Tipp City, valued at $53,000 personal property and $10,000 real estate. Inventory and appraisem*nt in the estate of Opal P.

Schilling, Covington, disclosed valuation of $35,250 real estate and $2,319.52 personal property. Markets Early and Dandels Shelled Corn 2.62 Wheat (no price) New Wheat 3,67 Soybeans 5,48 New Oats 1.00 Versailles Eggs Jumbo Large Medium Small Live Poultry AVERAGE HAY AND STRAW PRICES 1973 CROP Price per Ton No. 1 Mixed Hay $30.00 No. 2 Mixed Hay 23.00 No. 3 Hay 18.00 No.

1 Bright Wheat Straw 25.00 No. 2 Wheat or Oats Straw 20.00 These figures computed as of week ending April 13, 1974. Quoted by Hay Company, 105 W. State Street, Botkins, Ohio, using Information gathered from live hay dealers in a five county area, PUBLIC NOTICES "BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW" PUBLIC NOTICE APPOINTMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby given. Thai Lester Bowman Carl Bowman have been appointed? and qualified Co-Executors of the estate of Levi Bowman late ol Miami County, Chio, deceased, by the Probate Court of said County, No, 53379.

JAMES R. O'DONNELL, Probate Judge April 16, 1974. Doc. 45. Page 150.



ministrator of Estate of Minotta I. Ryan, deceased, plaintiff vS. Melvin A. Ryan, el al, defendants: number 52139, Probate Division, Courl of Common Picas. Miami County, Ohio.

The public sale of the property of the late Mineita Ryan and Melvin A. Ryan, Sr. previously known as Inlot 4113, Piqua, Ohio and also known as 411 East Firs! Sireel, Piqua, Ohio, has been withdrawn from public sale. Richard A. Goaler Swinehart and Goater 214 West High St.

Piqua, Ohio 45356 Attorney for Minetta Ryan Estate PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING OF INVENTORY The State of Ohio, Miami Counly: PROBATE COURT Fiduciary: surviving spouse; next to kin; beneficiaries under will. if any, and the attorncy or allorneys representing any of the forementioned parties, of the estate of Charles W. Stewart, late Miami Counly, Ohio. You are hereby notified that an Inventory has been filed in said estate in this court and that it will be lor hearing hefore this court on the Bih day of May, 1974, al 10 n'clock A.M. Any person desiring to except to said Inventory must file exceptions thereto at least live days prior to the said day sol for hearing or be farever barred.

April 9th, 1974. Estate No, 53289. Doc. 46. Page GB.

JAMES R. O'DONNELL. Probale McCULL.OCH, FELGER, GUTMANN, Allys. PUBLIC NOTICE APPOINTMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby Thai Jessie Leona Simes has been appointed and qualified Executrix of the estate of John W. Simes late of Miami County, Ohio, deceased, by the Probate Court of said County, No.

53352. JAMES R. O'DONNELL, Probate Judge April 16, 1974. Doc. 46.

Page 134. McCULLOCH, FELGER, FITE GUTMANN, Attys. PUBLIC NOTICE APPOINTMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby given. Ruth L. Bodine has been appoInted and qualified Execulrix of the estate of Rachel L.

Bodine late 01 Miami County, Ohio, deceased, by the Probale Court ol said County, No. 53360. JAMES R. O'DONNELL. April 16, 1974.

Doc. 46. Page 140. McCULLOCH, FELGER, FITE GUTMANN, Attys. 21,160 PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL, NOTICE Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent in the City Building Piqua, Ohio, until 2:00 O'clock, P.M..

EDST, on TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1974, at which hour the bids will be publicly opened and read for following: For the construction of impravem ents on Roosevelt Street between Manier Avenue and Heman Avenue, on a unit cost basis. in accordance wilh the plans and specificallons now on file in the office of the City Engineer, All bids shall the full name of every interested the same. in case of a partnership, the full name of each individual partner must be given. In case of a corgoration, the corporate name must he signed by every one of its officers duly authorized to do so. The price and signature must be clearly and legibly written.

Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent bank or a bid bond in an amount of if the bid be accepled a contract of bid price a as a guarantec that will be entered into and the per. formance of it properly secured. Should any bid be rejected, the bond or certified check will be returned to The bidder forthwith. Shnuld any bid be accepied, the bond or check will he returned 10 the bidder upon 1he proper execution and securing 01 the contract. THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO REJECT ANY AND ALL ALL BIDS MUST BE MITTED IN DUPLICATE.

WAYNE BARFELS City Purchasing Agent CIty of Piqua, Ohio Read The Classified Pages Today They'll Do It Every Time North. Tracy Butz, 227 Hovey. John W. Clark, 1255 Childrens Home Rd. Mrs.

Elbert H. Shroyer, 553 E. Lawn. Miss Lorie J. Long, 836 N.

Main. Miss Noel C. Lingrell, 305 E. Ward, Philip R. Graham, 255 Flynn, Woodstock.

J. Paul Roles, 1531 Grimes. Miss Lorna J. Boggs, Mechanicsburg. Carl Woodruff, 1424 Grimes.

Mrs. Laura Yocom, Champaign Nursing Home, Miss Belinda A. Thornhill, 228 Flynn, Woodstock. Dismissals: John R. Lint, Mrs.

Carl 1 Winn, Harry S. Lange, Mrs. Donald Perry and son, Miss Brenda Johnson, Clarence R. Grow, Jeffrey A. Powell.

Pickets Gone, Penn Central Back To Normal NEWARK, (AP) Pickets were gone and operations were back to normal today at Penn Central freight yards in New Jersey, New York and the Midwest, a railroad spokesman said. The picketing ended after the railroad's Pennsylvania Truck Lines and the Teamsters Union signed an agreement Thursday in Chicago in a jurisdictional dispute, the spokesman said. About 125 clerks at piggyback railtruck terminals in Port Newark, Weehawken, North Bergen and South Kearny, N.J.; New York; Chicago; St. Louis; Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio; and Elkhart and Indianapolis, were resisting a company proposal to transfer them to another division. The transfer would have switched their union jurisdiction from the the Teamsters to the Brotherhood of Railway and Airline Clerks, The railroad abandoned the transfer proposal Wednesday, Picketing ended Thursday afternoon in the Midwest and about midnight in New Jersey and New York, the spokesmen said.

Teamsters officials had said 90 per cent of the freight, including perishables, carried by Penn Central's rail-truck service had to be rerouted and was delayed several days. Picketing began in the New York and New Jersey on April 1. It was halted by a court action until last week, when a U.S. District Court judge here lifted a temporary injunction against it. Decision Due On Reserve Mining Trial MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.

(AP) U.S. District Judge Miles Lord was expected to hand down his decision today in the lengthy. trial of the Reserve Mining Co. Reserve is accused of polluting Lake Superior with its discharge of taconite wastes. Lord said earlier that be considered the discharge of 67,000 tons of taconite tailings each day "a substantial health menace," but he also indicated he would give Reserve some time before closing the plant.

Judge Lord has said he is convinced the tailings contain asbestos fibers and that the fibers can cause cancer, but he was at the same time reluctant to take action that would have a severe impact on the economy of the North Shore of the lake. Thursday, attorneys for the states of Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and the U.S. government asked that the Reserve plant at Silver Bay, be closed. Grant Merritt, executive director of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, argued that Regerve should be shut down to force the firm's cooperation with the PCA. "We've been trying to deal with Reserve on this discharge problem for more than five years," Merritt said.

"The company has not seemed too interested in dealing with us." Attorneys for Reserve and its two parent firms, Armco and Republic Steel, contended the evidence presented in the eight-month-old trial has not indicated the fivers found in the discharge present any health hazard. Urbana College Dinner April 27 URBANA The annual Urbana College dinner will be held Saturday, April 27 in the College Community Center Lounge. A social hour will start at 7:30 p.m. with a buffet dinner at 8 p.m, A dance at 9 p.m. will follow.

An open house, sponsored by the Urbana College Alumnl will be held Sunday, Aprll 28. Persons interested in attending are asked to contact Roger Paulson at Urbana College. Divorce Court Decrees Granted: Shirley A. Fisher, Tipp Clty, vs. Don Fisher, Tipp City.


the afternoon before next publicalion. Cancel when results obtained. You'll be charged only tor the number of days your ad appears at the rate earned for consecutive insertions. REPORT ERRORS IMMEDIATELY Errors not the fault cf the ad. ver liser, which lessen the value of the advertisem*nt must be reporled me first day, when one extra corrected insertion will be made without charge.

2 Line Minimum Minimum Charge $1.25 days $1.90 52.90 3Lines-4 days $2.30 3Lines-8 days $3.50 4Lines -4 days $2.85 ALines-8 days $4.25 2. Sales Suppers RUMMAGE SALE Sat. April 201h, 9 a.m, Loyal Daughters of St. Paul's Church 5. Personals 24 Hours A Day CRISIS HOTLINE, Ask Operator For Enterprise 7160 RECYCLING Appliances, stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, pipes, Scrap metal, books.

There is charge, Bring i1 out, or we will up. HEATHERLY'S AUCTION BARN 9299 N. Counly Rd. 25.0 773.8047 6. Personal Service We Do Washings Ironings Delivery Service 773-9622 Or 773.2821 SOUTH ST.

LAUNDRY 1400 South St. SALES- RENTALS Walkers Wheelchairs CRUTCHES. JACK'S DRUGS 307 W. High 773-1701 KENNY'S 'SAVIN' HINTS: Clean your candies with a clolh dampened in alcohol, Keep your kitchen and balhroom fixtures clean by using 5ERVISOFT conditioned water. SERVISOFT wifl efiminate embarrassing spots and rings.

The Only Wafer Nicer Comes From Clouds. SERVISOFT. St. RI. 66 773-2303 PUBLIC NOTICE APPOINTMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby given.

That Florence Ra Knoll has been ap. pointed and qualitied Executrix of the estate of Carl Knoll late of Miami County, Ohio, deceased, by the Probate Court of said County, No. 53331. JAMES R. O'DONNELL, Probate Judge April 2, 1974.

Doc. 46. Page 121, McCULLOCH, FELGER, FITE GUTMANN, Altys. '74 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING OF INVENTORY The State of Ohio, Miami County: PROBATE COURT To the Fiduciary: surviving spouse; nexl to kin: beneficiaries under will, if any, and Ine attorney or altorneys representing any 01 the forementioned partics, of the estale of Joseph E. Weaver, lale of Miami County, Ohio, You are hereby notified that an Inventory been filed in said estate in this court and that it will be for hearing before this court on The S1h day of May, 1974, at 10 o'clock A.M.

Any person desiring to except 10 said Inventory must ille ex. ceplions thereto at least five days per the said day sol for hearing or be forever barred. April 9th, 1974. Estale No. 53238.

Doc. 46. Page 63. JAMES R. O' DONNELL, Probalo Judge McCULLOCH, FITE GUTMANN, Allys.

773 6875 1 1s 6. Personal Service For Sale Or Rent: Wheel Chairs Other Convalescent Aids DRUGS Public Square Troy, Ohio 26 YEARS EXPERIENCE WASCOMAT Protessional Wash Dry Cleaning Center DUDS IN SUDS S1. Paris (Next To Besenfelders) 7. Lost Found Lost- white cal on Easter in vicinity of Loy 589. Anyone seeing or in finding please Call 358.2261.

8. Real Estate PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real eslale adverlised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act af 1969 which makes il illegal 1g advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin, or an in. tection to make any Such preference. limilation, discrimination." This newspaper will nol knowingly accept any ad. vertising real estate which is in violalion of the law.

Our readers are hereby informed Thal all dwellings adverlised in This newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. (FR Doc. 72.4983 Filed 331. 72: 9:45 a.m.) KATHRYN BOLTON REALTY 773 3508 654 W. High NO MONEY DOWN New 3 bedroom country ranch, finished garage, care free siding, carpel, electric heat, located North cast of Piqua.

1-194-3303. 10 enD CHUCK COX. Realty. Inc. DOL EAST CHEEKE 773-7695 Evenings 173.1207 Mike Cox Eves.

773 2066 Chuck Cox Jr. Eves. 773 9308 WEST END 5-year-old 4 bedroom brick home. 2 baths. Carpeted.

AMached garage. $31,800. 3 bedroom brick, fully carpeted, Family room with woodburning fireplace, Central air. 2 car at. lached garage.

Co Comer lol. $30,000. JOHN REAL ESTATE PERRY BROKER Realty 773-2136 or 773-0932 CALL ANYTIME Office 1223 Soulh 5t, PRINCE BLACK 778-1991 JIMA YOUNG 773 7664 BOB Real ROLLER Estate Anylime 773-0722 Mabel Roller 773-0722 story brick on cor. ner lot. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths.

fenced-in back yard. attached garage. By appointment only. 773-8405 after 5:00 p.m. MOVE RIGHT IN This 3 bedroom home is in good condition, it has: carpeting, curtains, 2.

air con. ditioner5, covered patio, storm windows and a 3 car garage. The price is $10,800. It won't last longcall 335-688D. Edwin Barnes Realty Evenings call BIll Houser 335-6517 Since You're Looking, Let's Compare Brick Homes Family Rooms 3 4 Bedrooms 1, 112, 2 Bathrooms Tola1 Electric Living 2 Car Attached.

Garages Insulaled Windows Patio Door $20,550 To $24,000 FOUR FURNISHED MODELS Open Dally-Sat. Sun. Mid- Properties Models South SI. Candlewood 6lvd. Piqua 773-5501 Or 773-6387 8.

Real Estate CANDLEWOOD Immaculate. 3 bedroom brick ranch. Wall to wall carpet. Large living room. allached garage, patio.

Priced 10 sell, Call now for appointment. JUNE SPRINGER. ASSOC. JOHNSTON REALTY CO. REALTORS, SIDNEY 492-0016 3 bedroom brick home, 24 acre.

Excellent condition. $34,000. 773-6364 MOVE RIGHT IN Owner has moved, we have the key and can show this pretty brick rancher anytimel Living room, kitchen with dining area, extra bath, utility room, fenced yard and 2 car garage with opener. Only $22,500. PARK RIDGE brick and aluminum rancher lealures central alr conditioning and paneled 2-car garage with automatic opener and extra storage space.

Entry hall, kitchen-family room with dining arca, baths, living room with mirrored wall, wall wall carpel and patio." Kronenberg REALTY GUARDED HOMES Sunsel Commerce Orive 778-0120 Evenings 773.4341 Associates John Schurr Res. 773-6599. Richard Blythe 773.5174 Mary Ellen Kerr Res. 773-6503. Gene Kronenbero, Jr.

Res. 773.4341 CLIFF UTTERBACK REALTY 226 W. High 773-4963 Eves, 773.3221 Jorn C. Holler Eves. 773.0821 Beautiful 3-bedroom, 112 baths, sunken living room with fireplace, deluxe kilchen family room, fully carpeled, air conditioning, 2- car garage with opener, large tat in A-1 location.

Many more extras. 773-1429 Really 404 N. WAYNEST. 773-1838 ASSOCIATES BARBARAMCKINNEY 335 863? TOM BOLTON 773-1690 FLOYD WOOLEY 773-4344 HUGE GARAGE A garage built 4 years ago; it's heated and insulated. The home has 3 bedrooms, large eat- in kitchen; full basem*nt with a pool table which stays, 112 baths, gas furnace, still under warranty, covered patio and a nice yard.

Price $19,800 STRENGTH This acre lot with 3 tillable acres, 280 frontage, will make any executive a beautiful setting for his new home. Located In Washington Township. Price $10,000. LARGE 4 Bedrooms, basem*nt, 1-car garage, nice lot, carpeted, built in cabinets and disposal in kitchen, Owner will help finance. PHONE 773-5068 DOROTHY BLACK 8560 MOFFETTRD.

JOHNSTON REALTY BRANCH Steve Roller REALTY JOHN CREAGER DICK BERRY 778-0067: DIXIEKELLAR 773-8908 JUST LISTED 'A very good 12 room double in, the North End. Three bedrooms on each side. Each side has a partial basem*nt, cemented and separate utililles, Owner leaving town, Each side should rent for $125.00 per month. Full price $23,000, SCHWAB Real Estate Service I 430 N. Wayne OFFICE 773-5833 JACK SCHWAR 773.4846 KAYE BRUSH 773-1938 WANDA POPP 773 6875.

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.